Critical information for immigrants regarding parenting to promote social inclusion
CRITICAL is an EU funded 35 month project which aims at developing training materials which can be used to help migrants and refugees to understand different views and perspectives on parenting and health in the host country.
The materials will help them deal with the rules and values regarding parenting in the host country and to improve their health. The project will develop a methodology which facilitates the use of these training materials in the existing context and training opportunities in each of the partners’ countries.
The materials will help them deal with the rules and values regarding parenting in the host country and to improve their health. The project will develop a methodology which facilitates the use of these training materials in the existing context and training opportunities in each of the partners’ countries.

The objectives of the project are:
- To develop a methodology that facilitates learning of parenting and health aspects in the host country by migrants and refugees
- To create training materials in health and parenting
- To pilot the learning material and to have mingling with locals, with activities connected to the theoretical content
- To create an online version of the training material
Intellectual Outputs

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