Critical information for immigrants regarding parenting to promote social inclusion

CRITICAL is an EU funded 35 month project which aims at developing training materials which can be used to help migrants and refugees to understand different views and perspectives on parenting and health in the host country.
The materials will help them deal with the rules and values regarding parenting in the host country and to improve their health. The project will develop a methodology which facilitates the use of these training materials in the existing context and training opportunities in each of the partners’ countries.

The objectives of the project are:

  • To develop a methodology that facilitates learning of parenting and health aspects in the host country by migrants and refugees

  • To create training materials in health and parenting

  • To pilot the learning material and to have mingling with locals, with activities connected to the theoretical content

  • To create an online version of the training material

Intellectual Outputs


Development of methodology facilitating the learning process by migrants and refugees of parenting and health aspects in the host country


The partnership developed the CRITICAL online game, which aims on assessing the knowledge gained through the project’s results in a fun and interactive way. Find the online game under the section E-PLATFORM and play! Under the section E-PLATFORM, you may also find study material about health and parenting that is aimed at adult beginners in host country language as second language.


Testing of the materials will include workshops with 20-25 immigrants in each partner country, finished by 2-3 sessions of mingling activities with locals.


Online interacting learning platform will be elaborated after the finalization based on feedback from testing. The online platform will be set up including all the materials available for free use.
DIMITRA Education & Consulting
FISPE - Français pour l'Insertion Sociale et Professionnelle en Europe
Promea- the Hellenic Society for the Promotion of Research and Development Methodologies


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